General Information about LEGOLAND New York Resort
Everything you need to know about LEGOLAND New York Resort to plan your visit.
- Are Shoes Required At the Park?
- What are some safety requirements at the Park?
- Do you have Car Charging Stations at LEGOLAND New York?
- What is the difference between Holly Jolly Nights and Holiday Bricktacular at LEGOLAND New York?
- What 4D shows do you have at LEGOLAND New York Resort?
- What rides or attractions are currently closed?
- Can kids ride all the rides alone at LEGOLAND New York?
- What is there to do during winter months at LEGOLAND New York?
- What rides do you have for 2 year olds?
- Do you have cell phone charging stations?
- Can I visit LEGOLAND New York without a child?
- What are the average waiting times for the rides/attractions?
- What are your seasonal events?
- What rides do you have?
- What Big Kids attractions do you have?
- What is there to do for little kids?
- What dates do you have Fireworks?
- Do you have a park map?
- Is a trip to LEGOLAND New York worth it?
- What are the costs for wheelchair rental?
- Can I rent a stroller for the day?
- What happens if it rains?
- If inclement weather is forecasted, can I change the date of my tickets or get a refund?
- What If I Cannot Get A Theme Park Reservation for the Day I Want to Visit?
- What Health & Safety Precautions and Requirements Should I Be Prepared for During My Visit to LEGOLAND New York Resort?
- Do You Accept Cash Payments?
- What Entertainment do You Have in the Theme Park?
- Do you have Stroller Rental at LEGOLAND New York Resort?
- How Much is Parking?
- Is LEGOLAND New York Built Out of LEGO® Bricks?